Soul Matters

What is Soul Matters?

Soul Matters logo.png

Soul Matters is one of the small group programs offered at the North Shore Unitarian Church. Participants receive a monthly theme packet that contains readings and activities related to the monthly theme.

After doing self-exploration on the monthly theme, participants gather with their small Soul Matters group to delve more deeply into the topic together. Soul Matters Groups meet at the church, in private homes, or by Zoom.

To participate in our Soul Matters Program, click on the button below. Our Soul Matters Coordinator will match you with a group, and you will be added to the distribution list to receive the monthly packets.

Soul Matters Packets

Monthly packets are available three ways:

  1. Subscribe to the Soul Matters program by clicking on the button above. Once subscribed, you will receive the packets by email each month.

  2. Click on the packet link in our weekly eBulletins. (Not yet receiving our eBulletins? Subscribe HERE).

  3. Pick up a PAPER printout of the current month’s theme on our foyer table.

  4. Contact our Church Office for current or past monthly theme packets. (For copyright reasons, we’re not allowed to post them on our public-facing website).