Service Within the Congregation

The NSU Community thrives through the many acts of service performed by the members of our congregation.  They find many opportunities for service within the congregation and the NSU community.  Some of the favourite opportunities, such as teaching educational classes for our children, youth, or adults — or serving on a Team (which is how much of the work and play of our community gets done). Whatever your interests, you will find many meaningful and satisfying opportunities for service within our congregation.

Teaching & Mentoring

North Shore Unitarians have always placed high value on the religious education of children and youth. While we recognize parents are the primary religious educators of their children, we offer teaching and mentoring programs for children and youth that support and enhance spiritual guidance offered in the home.



Much of the activity in the life of our NSU community happens through the hearts, hands and minds of our Ministry Teams.  In collaboration with our professional staff, these groups of church volunteers work and play in community to create positive change and minister to the world.  By doing so, we truly do discover meaning together.

We hope that all able congregants will share their talents, develop new friendships and skills, and find fulfilling ways to make a difference. Learn more about our Teams and sign up for any you’d like to learn more about. Below are a few examples of some of our Teams:

  • Art Team - provides the Art on our Sanctuary walls, and offers art appreciation events in the wider community throughout the month. Learn more on their web page.

  • Environmental Action Team. Concerned about global climate change? Learn more about our Environmental Action Team.

  • Welcome Team - helps newcomers feel welcome and includes Ushers and Greeters, who provide a warm welcome on Sunday mornings and help people find their way around, and help people find fulfilling ways to participate in the life of our NSU community.

  • Hospitality Team - assists with coffee and tea on Sunday mornings, as well as our soup or sandwich lunches (which are offered several times each month).

  • Cares and Concerns Team - provides support and encouragement to members and friends of the congregation who are hospitalized, recuperating from illness, or experiencing other special needs. They encourage and empower all people within our congregation to do the same.

See a more complete list of our Teams and let us know which one(s) you’re interested in learning more about:

music program & choir

We have a wonderful Music Program at North Shore Unitarian — which includes our magnificent choir. Learn more here!